【ICLR23论文】Can CNNs Be More Robust Than Transformers?

news/2024/7/19 11:16:36 标签: cnn, transformer, iclr


  • 0 Abstract
  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Related Works
  • 3 Settings
    • 3.1 CNN Block Instantiations
    • 3.2 Computational Cost
    • 3.3 Robustness Benchmarks
    • 3.4 Training Recipe
    • 3.5 Baseline Results
  • 4 Component Diagnosis
    • 4.1 Patchief Stem
    • 4.2 Large Kernel Size
    • 4.3 Reducing Activation And Normalization Layers
  • 5 Components Combination
  • 6 Knowledge Distillation
  • 7 Larger Models
  • 8 Conclusion
  • Acknowledgement
  • Reference

Article Reading Record


0 Abstract

  • Transformers are inherently (本质上) more robust than CNNs
  • we question that belief by closely examining the design of Transformers
  • simple enough to be implemented in several lines of code, namely a) patchifying(修补) input images, b) enlarging kernel size, and c) reducing activation layers and normalization layers.

1 Introduction

  • ViT offers a completely different roadmap—by applying the pure self-attention-based architecture to sequences of image patches, ViTs are able to attain competitive performance on a wide range of visual benchmarks compared to CNNs.

dubbed (被称为) vanilla(普通)

2 Related Works

  • Vision Transformers.
  • CNNs striking back ( 反击 )
  • ConvNeXt, shifting the study focus from standard accuracy to robustness
  • Out-of-distribution (分布) robustness.

ResNet Bottleneck block

counterpart (对口/对应方/同行)


corruption (腐败/堕落) rendition (再现) inherently (本质)

  • we show CNNs can in turn outperform Transformers in out-of-distribution robustness.

3 Settings

thoroughly (彻底)

3.1 CNN Block Instantiations



3.2 Computational Cost

mitigate (减轻) the computational cost loss


3.3 Robustness Benchmarks

extensively (广泛) evaluate

contains synthesized (合成) images with shape-texture(纹理) conflicting cues

image corruption(损坏)

which contains natural renditions (再现) of ImageNet object classes with different textures and local image statistics(统计)

3.4 Training Recipe

deliberately (故意) apply the standard 300-epoch DeiT training recipe

3.5 Baseline Results

we use “IN”, “S-IN”, “IN-C”, “IN-R”, and “IN-SK” as abbreviations(缩写) for “ImageNet”, “Stylized-ImageNet”, “ImageNet-C”, “ImageNet-R”, and “ImageNet-Sketch”.

4 Component Diagnosis

( 组件 )( 诊断 )

These designs are as follows: 1) patchifying
input images (Sec. 4.1), b) enlarging the kernel size (Sec. 4.2), and finally, 3) reducing the number
of activation layers and normalization layers (Sec. 4.3)

4.1 Patchief Stem

ViT adopts a much more aggressive down-sampling strategy by partitioning (分区) the input image into p×p non-overlapping (非重叠) patches and projects each patch with a linear layer

have investigated (调查) the importance of

when employing (使用) the 8×8 patchify stem

albeit (尽管) potentially (潜在) at the cost of clean accuracy

is boosted (提高) by at least 0.6%

play a vital(重要) role in closing the robustness gap between CNNs and Transformers.


4.2 Large Kernel Size

One critical(关键) property (性质) that distinguishes the self-attention operation from the classic convolution operation is its ability to operate on the entire input image or feature map, resulting in a global receptive(接收) field.

The importance of capturing long-range (远程)dependencies (依赖)has been demonstrated (证明) for CNNs even

In this section, we aim to mimic (模仿) the behavior of the self-attention block

the performance gain gradually saturates(饱和)

an unfair(不公平的) comparison to some extent.(程度)



4.3 Reducing Activation And Normalization Layers




The optimal (最优) position


5 Components Combination

explore the impact of combining all the proposed components on the model’s performance.

along with the corresponding (相应) optimal (最优) position for placing the normalization and activation layer

An exception (异常) here is ResNet-Inverted-DW

we empirically (经验) found that using a too-large kernel size

6 Knowledge Distillation

when the model roles are switched (互换), the student model DeiT-S remarkably outperforms the teacher model ResNet-50 on a range of robustness benchmarks

7 Larger Models

To demonstrate (演示) the effectiveness of our proposed models on larger scales

8 Conclusion

By incorporating (合并) these designs into ResNet,
we have developed a CNN architecture that can match or even surpass (超越) the robustness of a Vision Transformer model of comparable size.

We hope our findings prompt researchers to reevaluate(重新评估)the robustness comparison between Transformers and CNNs, and inspire further investigations (调查) into
developing more resilient (弹性) architecture designs


This work is supported by a gift from Open Philanthropy (慈善), TPU Research Cloud (TRC) program, and Google Cloud Research Credits program.








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